TK Drama has one simple goal: To provide a live-theatre experience to all interested upper-grade students by participating in the most fabulous musical production around!
Our production will be in the spring so our students will be settled in their school routines before drama starts.
The only requirement to participate is a STRONG desire and commitment to being a positive part of our production and being willing to put in the time it takes to attend EVERY rehearsal and learn EVERY line and detail. :) (Don't worry! You CAN do it!! Miss Morton is there to help you every step of the way!) You'll be taught the songs, choreography, lines, and blocking. By the time we get to production, you'll be ready for that audience!
The only thing you need to do for auditions is come with a song ready to sing. You'll stand and sing... no accompaniment is needed. We just need to hear your voice. Don't worry that you'll be nervous or don't think you can sing well. We WILL teach YOU! :)