50 Unified Years: Building a Tradition of Excellence in Clovis Unified Before, During and After Unification (excerpt)
By Naoma Hayes and Susan Sawyer Wise
© 2011 Clovis Unified School District
Temperance-Kutner Elementary
Temperance-Kutner Union District joined six other individual school districts in the Clovis Union High School District to consolidate to form Clovis Unified School District effective July 1, 1960. At that time, the school's name became Temperance-Kutner Elementary School, or "T-K", as it is familiarly known.
Principals who have served at T-K include Lloyd Harline, Terry Allen, Pete Reyes, Cheryl Rogers, Ginger Thomas, Randy Hein, Kathy Blackburn, Kelli Hinojos and, currently, Andrew Manouelian.
Harline, who served as the school's principal from 1962 to 1980, recalled the strength of the families and the staff. "I think my favorite memory was the wonderful people I worked with from the parents to the faculty," he said. "When I started at T-K, the district had recently unified and there were hurt feelings but everyone was very supportive and we came out stronger in the end. It was exciting to be a part of putting the district together then building it up. Students were expected to achieve and goals were high. It was a very exciting time."
The inclusion of competitive athletic teams for the fourth- through sixth-graders in the late 1960s was also a highlight for Harline. "We hadn't had sports at the elementary level before," he said. "Students had to learn how to win and learn how to lose. The first thing we did was we had to get coaches so we drew from the staff. When we would hire new teachers we would ask if they could coach. Coaching required extra work, extra hours, but that was the type of dedication we had. We pulled together to make sure our co-curricular programs worked. It was a neat thing watching sports, academics, the fine arts and other activities take shape. They gave students self-esteem and discipline."
Everyone got involved; Harline even played piano for the students in the choir.
Four-way Stop
What could have been a tragedy at T-K turned into a unique civics lesson for T-K students after a 1984 traffic accident. One Saturday evening, a car, driving too fast through the intersection of Olive and Armstrong avenues, plowed into T-K's Room 1.
"Parents were upset, asking what if this had happened during the day," said Allen who was serving as principal at the time. "We ended up making a civics lesson for students out of the incident. We went to local government and pleaded for a four-way stop to prevent any future accidents. We had our stop signs within a week."
Changing Demographics, Meeting Needs
When Ginger Thomas arrived as T-K's principal in 1994, the affluent school's boundaries had just changed. "T-K's demographics changed significantly at that time," said Thomas. "There was a high Hmong population. Bilingual programs were needed and an English as a second language curriculum was introduced. The dynamics were changing and there was tension." Debate was ongoing as to whether separate bilingual classrooms should be created with all English learners together or whether balanced integrated classrooms should exist.
Thomas' priority was unifying T-K families, holding numerous multi-cultural events to promote camaraderie and eduction.
"We all pulled together and worked together," Thomas said. "It's good to have diversity."
The Temperance-Kutner community was soon unified through its recognition as a National Drug Free School for the 1994-95 school year. "The award really looks at programs and how the school is addressing needs of the community, and the different activities schools do to engage kids. We highlighted our connection with local law enforcement; the sheriff was doing outreach with us. We were working with the community in many ways. Winning this award was a big boost for our community at a time when we really needed it," Thomas said.
With the changing needs of students, T-K has continued to provide programs that best serve its population.
T-K was the first school in the district to offer the English Learner Newcomers Academy for newly immigrated students from Thailand. The program ran for four years. It has also implemented Exceptional English Learner programs.
The Reading Recovery Program includes four trained specialists serving more than 120 needing reading assistance since the program began. To further help with reading, the school's READ 180 Reading Intervention Lab was adapted from an intensive, nationwide reading intervention program that helps educators confront the problem of adolescent illiteracy and special needs reading on multiple fronts using technology, print and professional development. The program directly addresses individual needs through differentiated instruction, adaptive and instructional software, high-interest literature, and direct instruction in reading, writing, and vocabulary skills.
In early 2007, Clovis Unified was awarded funding to operate after-school programs at seven elementary schools, including Temperance-Kutner. The After-school Co-Curricular Education and Safety (ACES) program began in February of that year. The program provides students in grades kindergarten through six with literacy, academic enrichment and safe constructive opportunities from the time they are released from school until 6 pm every day.
Participation in the program is on a scholarship basis and is free of charge to participating families. It is considered to be a privilege and attendance is mandatory. Students are able to complete homework as well as experience karate, art, dance, percussion and computers. Participating students must attend three hours per day, five days per week. Enrollment is limited to 120 students.
In 2002, T-K was awarded a Distance Learning Grant for $150,000 to create a technology lab complete with computers, TV monitors, widescreen screens for video projections and other distance learning opportunities.
A Sense of Community
Many families in the community have seen three or more generations attend T-K, a number of whom have farmed and lived on the land for years.
"They take great pride that their children can come to T-K," said Hein. "Our students are the best. They are kind and respectful. They appreciate having an opportunity to learn and study at a school where so many staff members care about them. T-K takes care of T-K...food baskets, Christmas presents, money, clothing, shoes, books and furniture are available and shared with families in need."
The school's motto, "We believe we can...and we will," reflects the sense of community at T-K. "We have a school pledge to work hard and take care of each other. We say the pledge to open each new school day," said Hein. "When people visit our campus they notice students stand to answer questions in complete sentences. Students greet and shake their teacher's hand before going into class. Everyone says 'hi' to everyone else. On state standardized testing days, our students dress for success. Seeing a student in a suit or party dress on testing days is not uncommon. Those who do not have suits may get a haircut or something else special; they all know it is a special day and dressing for success is something they all can do."
Neighborhoods and individual homes sat at a distance from the school which is surrounded by narrow country roads unsafe for pedestrians and bicyclists. Also unique is that T-K currently maintains the highest diversity in student population in the district.
Recognized Excellence
T-K Elementary has received:
Secret Garden School
The school offers a variety of activities such as sports, drama, choir, chess club and gardening in which children have planted flowers, bulbs, and even an orchard. "Some of the oldest and grandest trees in CUSD are still thriving at T-K under the care and concern of our Garden Club," said Hein. "T-K is often referred to as the Secret Garden School. Students and staff take great pride in planting flowers and caring for our site. Since I have been at T-K we have added 64 new trees and countless rose bushes, flowers, shrubbery and brick planter areas."